torsdag 2. februar 2012

Blogging - The conclusion

In this post i woll talk about blogging as a tool to work with a book.

I don't know if I have learnt anything special from my experience with blogging. There has not been any markable difference in the learning I have done from this blogging period than from just reading the book, but I have noticed that I used a considerable amount of more time than usual. This is the only markable difference that I have noticed because it made the boring parts of the book even more boring because i had to put even more attention what they said and did even if it was boring. That was actually okay, but I was kinda expecting to get more in to the plot and that I would think the really interresting part would be even more rewarding, but unfortunatively this wasn't the case. This is the biggest dissapointment from this reading project.
I don't know if it was my bad attitude to write a blog about my reading project, but if I actually didn't mind blogging about it I think I would have a much more interresting and fun.
Oh well, i guess I read more closely and got even more of the story, but since it wasn't such an exciting book as I had hoped for this blogging project turned out negatively.

Edvard signing out.

1 kommentar:

  1. Nice that you chose to write about the "bad" sides of blogging too! I kind of agree with you on the part about reading the book more closely. The plot gets a lot harder to follow when you have to turn each page upside down, looking for bits and pieces to put in your analysis...
